Central Florida Episcopalian Online

In June, Church of the Nativity in Port St. Lucie hosted its first Vacation Bible School in seven years. The decision to renew VBS is part of a years-long intentional effort to revitalize the parish by building multigenerational bridges. When The Rev. Tracy Dugger became rector in 2019, there were three children in the parish,…

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Recorded at the diocesan office on June 22, 2022, this training is mandatory for potential ordinands in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida discernment process. It also contains information pertinent to all clergy. “Title IV” refers to the section of The Episcopal Church’s Canons (laws) that addresses the grounds and processes for “ecclesiastical discipline,” a…

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A concerned, caring priest with a deep love for God and for people. A warm, welcoming congregation with the same commitments. As The Rev. Ángel López looks forward to beginning his new ministry at St. Luke’s, Merritt Island, he – along with church and diocesan leadership – recognizes how God has put the call together….

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The Very Rev. Porter C. Taylor, dean of the Southeast Deanery, has announced that the deanery has raised $15,000 for United Society Partners in the Gospel to provide humanitarian relief and assistance in Ukraine. The Diocese of Central Florida will also contribute $5,000 from the $1 million Lilly Grant it was awarded in December 2020….

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The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer has been committed to raising up new leaders since his March 2012 consecration as bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida. With Brewer’s pending retirement in July 2023, the final year of his episcopacy will see his commitment to leadership development crescendo; 18 people are on track to be…

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Becoming the new priest-in-charge at Holy Spirit, Apopka, is also a homecoming for The Rev. Ed Bartle. “When I moved to the Apopka area in 1968, I joined the Apopka Police Department and became active at Holy Spirit,” he said. “It was my home church. “My mother was born and raised in Apopka until her…

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“God has opened the doors.” Throughout The Rev. Patricia Orlando’s path to ordination as a priest and her ministry in The Episcopal Church, this truth stands out. Her ordination service on Sunday afternoon, May 22, 2022, at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, celebrated not only the event but the great things God has…

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Summer camp is sure to produce good times and long-lasting memories. But shouldn’t campers receive more than that? What about spiritual development and life change? Fortunately, that’s just what happens at the Diocese of Central Florida’s Camp Wingmann. For years, participants have come away from their camp experiences with the tools they need to have…

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As rector of St. James, Ormond Beach, The Rev. Roy Allison shares his faith on a regular basis. But his second identity as “the Jeep Priest” allows him to have fun while carrying the love of Christ to those he might never otherwise encounter. “I get to engage with a whole new group of friends,”…

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En la primavera de 2021, The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, Obispo de la Diócesis de Florida Central, alertó al Comité Permanente de sus planes de jubilarse en julio del 2023 al cumplir sus 72 años de edad, como exigen los cánones de la Iglesia Episcopal. Cuando Brewer anunció oficialmente su pendiente jubilación en la…

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