Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Amid what felt like an intense discussion, Caio posed a strange question: “Which is more important,” he asked me, “to know what is in between the covers of the Bible or to have a pristine Bible?” When I saw the worn-out Bible with no covers in his hands, I understood why he had asked. He…

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I would like to share some exciting news! As you may already know, we have been diligently working with our brothers and sisters in Honduras, teaching life skills to help assist them in becoming self-sustainable. Our goal is for the Diocese of Honduras to become independent by the year…

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Nothing sends people scurrying for the sexton’s closet faster than hearing the footsteps of the stewardship chairperson coming down the hall. When it comes time for the annual quest for financial support, many parishioners say they can’t pledge for a whole year because they don’t know if they will have enough money for themselves. Yet…

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March 16, 2016 – The House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church, meeting in retreat, unanimously approved the following Word to The Church. A Word to The Church Holy Week 2016 “We reject the idolatrous notion that we can ensure the safety of some by sacrificing the hopes of others.” On Good Friday, the ruling political…

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Change and transition is a constant in parish life. Understanding of the nature of change and the key role emotions play in the lives of congregations and their members enhances the effectiveness of parish leaders. Even parishes with settled ordained leaders encounter many changes. Change: A fish out of water Picture a goldfish living in…

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At 18 I left home, embarking on the adventure of my life as a new adult. Over the next 10 years, I lived in five states, finished degrees at three different institutions of higher education, moved to a different dorm room or apartment every one to two years, dated a few different people, held at…

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The answer came to me a decade ago. I was sitting in a circle of very young Episcopalians, listening to them explore a dark patch of felt in the parable of the Good Shepherd. They were so interested in the “places of danger” on the story-telling fabric. They kept looking at it, some carefully, out…

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Consider a trip with Solar Light for Africa this Summer. Solar Light for Africa is currently recruiting a high school and college-age youth team and an adult team for short-term mission trips scheduled for this summer. The dates are June 20-July 4 for Youth Missions and July 6-18 for Adult Missions.  Participants will travel to…

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Consider a trip with Solar Light for Africa this Summer. Solar Light for Africa is currently recruiting a high school and college-age youth team and an adult team for short-term mission trips scheduled for this summer. The dates are June 20-July 4 for Youth Missions and July 6-18 for Adult Missions.  Participants will travel to…

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5/1/16                  Winter Park                  All Saints (Central Deanery Day) 5/8/16                  Ocala                           Grace (NW Deanery Day) 5/15/16                Lakeland    …

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