Central Florida Episcopalian Online

The Rev. Andrew Lazo is the newest participant in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida’s residency program, serving as apprentice rector at Church of the Messiah, Winter Garden. The Houston, Texas, native and his wife, bestselling author Dr. Christin Ditchfield, made the move to Central Florida from Virginia in June and have quickly felt at…

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On May 10, Russell Franck, a parishioner at Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Wales, took part in a miraculous emergency landing. “My best friend and pilot, Ken Allen, had called me a week prior and wanted to know if I wanted to fly with him over the Marsh Harbor in the Bahamas to take…

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In a neighborhood safely out of a flood zone, The Rev. Jason Murbarger, rector of St. Mary’s, Daytona Beach, looked out of his window mid-day on Thursday, Sept. 29, to check on his property in the onslaught of Hurricane Ian. Water extended halfway over the sidewalk in front of the house, and since it was…

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Two priests, both women. Both serving in the Diocese of Central Florida. Both ordained within days of each other by The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer. Different ages, different gifts, different journeys. But The Rev. Laura “Lo” Cook and The Rev. Kay Mueller share a love of God, people and The Episcopal Church that transcends…

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Sister congregations Jesús de Nazaret and Christ the King in Azalea Park, Orlando, are supporting victims of Hurricane Fiona in Loíza, Puerto Rico, by collecting flashlights, batteries and cash donations. “Loíza is a resilient community that has faced many challenges caused by the hurricanes, the economic upheaval in Puerto Rico and a history of racial…

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The seven schools of the Episcopal Diocese of Honduras are all meeting in-person again after a long shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this good news for the Diocese of Central Florida’s Communion Partner brings with it a problem that has prompted The Rt. Rev. Lloyd Allen to ask for help: a teacher shortage….

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    ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LA GIRA DIOCESANA: Después de consultar con el Comité Permanente, el Comité de Transición y el Comité de Búsqueda de Obispos, el horario de la Gira Diocesana ha sido cambiado debido a la tormenta tropical inminente/Cat. 1 Huracán Nicole. La noche original del miércoles 9 de noviembre, preguntas y respuestas en…

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DIOCESAN TOUR STORM UPDATE: After consultation with the Standing Committee, Transition Committee and Bishop Search Committee, the schedule for the Diocesan Tour was changed due to the impending Tropical Storm/Cat. 1 Hurricane Nicole. The original Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, in-person Q&A scheduled at Trinity, Vero Beach, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. and the Thursday morning, Nov….

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“This is an impossible vocation. But it is also the vocation to which you are called.” Those words from The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer set the tone for his sermon at a Sept. 10 service at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, in which he ordained nine men to the…

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New Beginnings, a long-standing ministry created in the Diocese of Central Florida, will host a unique retreat for middle school students at Camp Wingmann the weekend of Nov. 18-20, from 7 p.m. Friday through 2 p.m. Sunday. Directed by The Rev. Kevin Bartle, rector of St. Mary of the Angels, Orlando, the New Beginnings Relaunch!…

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