Corpus Christi, Okahumpka, has been awarded a $4,500 Becoming Beloved Community Seed Grant through The Episcopal Church. The grants support the work of racial justice, healing, reconciliation and creation care. The Rev. Dr. Amanda Bordenkircher, vicar, wrote the grant. “I learned about and attended a webinar that explained the purpose and process of the grant application…
[ Read More]Many leaders have it all wrong. They work hard to motivate the people they lead, but instead, they need to stop demotivating them. This is crucial for leaders to learn, or they will hurt people, discourage them and lead less effective teams. Demands, threats and promises of reward don’t motivate people to work harder or…
[ Read More]In his 2024 Diocesan Convention address, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb emphasized “the one thing that matters most”: the gospel of Jesus Christ (click here to view Holcomb’s articulation of the gospel during his 2024 Convention address). That gospel knows no age boundaries, a blessing that some in the Diocese of Central Florida…
[ Read More]Throughout Scripture, we see God speaking to His people through visions and dreams. While such experiences may seem less common today, they still happen in powerful ways, as evidenced by the journey of the Rev. Audrey Sutton (or Mother Audrey, as she prefers to be called) and her family. Sutton has been called to serve…
[ Read More]Being faithful ministers of the gospel means being equipped to minister to the whole person, including mental and emotional needs. As explained in “The Great Dechurching Event,” held Aug. 23, 2023, at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, the church has an opportunity to be a catalyst for that kind of healing and restoration…
[ Read More]The residency program of the Diocese of Central Florida, already known for its excellence in helping develop new clergy, is expanding this summer to include two new churches: the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, and Holy Trinity, Melbourne. The Rev. Garrett Puccetti, ordained as a deacon by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb…
[ Read More]“The Prayer for the Election of a Bishop or other Minister” (Book of Common Prayer, 818) concludes with the following phrase: “that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Consecrated on June 10 of last year, the Rt….
[ Read More]The Institute for Christian Studies in the Diocese of Central Florida is offering General Courses for laypeople this summer: seven classes with seven different instructors in seven locations. While ICS is renowned for its diaconate training, the General Courses offer a unique opportunity. These courses, open to all, delve into theology, tradition and scripture, providing…
[ Read More]With help from the Rt. Revs. Justin Holcomb and Dabney Smith; contractors; board members; parents; the Rev. Tom Phillips and even Mr. Tiger, the school mascot, Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy broke ground on its IDEAS Institute on April 26. The IDEAS Institute, a visionary two-story, 30,000-square-foot, multi-use academic building on the Upper School campus, is…
[ Read More]It’s gut-wrenching. A variety of emotions swirl when reading the stories and accounts of sexual assault situations at summer camp. Unfortunately, a summer camp environment does not guarantee a child’s complete safety. Camp sexual assault cases exist. However, we want to come alongside you and your family as you prepare to send your children to…
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