Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Pentecost Sunday is the commemoration and celebration of the receiving of the Holy Spirit by the early church as recorded in Acts 2. In that chapter, Jesus’ promise of the Spirit (John 14:15-31) becomes a reality as the Spirit descends on the disciples at Pentecost. The disciples “began to speak in other tongues” (Acts 2:4b),…

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The Haitian congregation at Church of the Messiah, Winter Garden, marked its fifth-year anniversary with a special service and celebration attended by more than 200 people on Sunday, April 21. The day’s designation as Good Shepherd Sunday seems especially fitting as both the church and the Diocese of Central Florida recognize God’s work in the…

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Generosity. Connection. Energy. (L-R) Bishop Holcomb with conference organizers Dr. Christin Ditchfield Lazo and the Rev. Andrew Lazo | Photo: The Rev. Andrew Lazo Those are the words that come to mind for the Rev. Andrew Lazo, and his wife, Dr. Christin Ditchfield Lazo, about their inaugural C.S. Lewis Conference, held on April 26-27 at…

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Not yet a full year into his episcopacy, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb is already making a difference, not only in the Diocese of Central Florida but also in The Episcopal Church and the broader Anglican Communion. This is especially true as regards what, for Holcomb, is both a long-held passion and an…

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The Central Florida Chapter of the American Guild of Organists presented “A Community Sing-In: The Music of David Hurd” on Sunday, April 21, at St. Michael’s, Orlando. The concert, 15 years in the making, featured an artist widely recognized and admired as one of the foremost sacred music composers in the U.S. “For the last…

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The St. David’s Institute, Cocoa Beach, and Christ Episcopal Church, Suntree-Viera, have launched an intergenerational cohort to create a liturgy project written by teenagers, for teenagers. The Rev. Cynthia Brust, rector of Christ Episcopal, and the Very Rev. Dr. Porter Taylor, rector of St. David’s by-the-Sea, Cocoa Beach, co-leaders of the cohort, believe teenagers are…

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In addition to their many other responsibilities, members of the deputation from the Diocese of Central Florida to the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church will participate in a historic event: the choice of a new presiding bishop. As the governing body of The Episcopal Church, this year’s General Convention, set for June 23-28…

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During Eastertide, we lift high the good news that God’s saving work in human history has been accomplished solely through the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus. We proclaim that in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting our trespasses against us, and that salvation is not earned by any human effort…

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  The Rt. Rev. Dr. Dabney Smith, part-time assisting bishop, and his wife, Mrs. Mary Wallis Smith, have been appointed by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb as Church Pension Group Chaplains to the Retired for the Diocese of Central Florida. Holcomb announced the news in his address to the 55th annual Diocesan Convention on…

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At the 55th annual Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Central Florida, held on Jan. 27, 2024, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb announced the retirement of the Hon. Council “Butch” Wooten Jr. after 34 years as diocesan chancellor and the appointment of the Hon. Todd Pittenger to this key role. In his first…

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