Diocesan Assembly Contact List for Officers and Appointed Persons:

President:  Nadine Craig nadinekcraig@outlook.com
1st VP:  Nancy Kelly nancybkelly@hotmail.com
2nd VP:  Linda Anselmini lanselmini@gmail.com
Treasurer:  Sue McIlrath mcilrathsuemac@cfl.rr.com
Corresponding Secretary:  Christin Ditchfiled Lazo christindlazo@gmail.com
Recording Secretary:  Marie Hunsaker mariehunsaker@hotmail.com

Board Advisor:
Chaplain:  The Rev. Andrew Lazo andrewlazo@gmail.com
Daughters At Large Chair:  The Rev. Jonnette DiMarsico guildjmd@gmail.com
Central Deanery Representative:  Jillian “Jill” Chester jillchester@icloud.com
Northeast Deanery Representative:  Betty MacDonald bettywmacdonald@gmail.com
Northwest Deanery Representative:  Lisa Fye lfyefamilysc@gmail.com
Southeast Deanery Representative:  Christine Allen ladydr34982@gmail.com
Southwest Deanery Representative:  The Rev. Patrice Behnstadt pbehnste@gmail.com
Historian:  Keneta Gaillardet kenetap@comcast.net
Junior Daughters Chair:  Jamie Roberts angelicjamie@hotmail.com
National Funds Chair:  Nancy Kelly nancybkelly@hotmail.com
Membership Chair:  Linda Anselmini lanselmini@gmail.com
Outreach Chair:  Sara Day saraday1@gmail.com
IT Coordinator:  Heather Herrington h.herrington086@gmail.com
Multi-Cultural Chair:  Angela Lopez angelalopez@churchofthemessiah.com
Devotions Chair:  Donna Burns godswmn@bellsouth.net