Diocesan Altar Guild
The Altar Guild (AG) is responsible for ensuring that church elements are prepared for each service. We are the “Guardians of the Sacred Spaces and Sacred Elements.” We have the privilege of handling holy things as we clean and maintain the elements and sacred space. The AG ministry is tailored for each church and each service. The size of a church’s AG is determined by the number of services each week and the needs of the priest. Church Altar Guilds often include a Flower Guild, a Linen Guild, and/or a Wedding Guild.
Diocese of Central Florida Altar Guild Board Members:
President: Kathy Shearer
Chaplain: The Rev. Michelle Roach
Secretary: Betsy Watson
Treasurer: Cyndy Berry
Newsletter: Judy Henderson
Central Deanery: Kathy Shearer, Eve Hyatt, and Beth Hyatt
Northeast Deanery: Judy Valk, Riek Fitzpatrick, Sandi Hendriks and Susan Gummey
Southeast Deanery: Judy Henderson
Southwest Deanery: Betty Seckinger, Betsy Watson and Cyndy Berry
Northwest Deanery: Dianne Casson and Lynn Johns
Churches are welcome to contact their Deanery representative or another Board member for individual assistance and churches are always welcome to submit articles for the newsletter to let others know about something that is working well in their church.
Recruitment of AG members is always a challenge, but many people understand that it’s a rewarding ministry with great personal satisfaction.
For additional information about the Diocesan Altar Guild, feel free to contact Kathy Shearer at wwdassoc@gmail.com.