Reflections & Celebrations
From the Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer,
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
Bishops Blog

What a difference a few weeks can make! In a video shown at our October 2020 annual diocesan clergy conference, Bishop Lloyd Allen shared an update on the state of Honduras post-COVID-19 lockdown. In particular, he emphasized that some schools in the Diocese of Honduras have reopened post-lockdown, but fear of the coronavirus has meant…
“Our cities share a common heartache.” That was my response to a bishop in London, England, who offered prayers for us and for the service in remembrance of Pulse from the Anglican Diocese of London. We do share this burden–along with Manchester, New York City, Paris and other places around the world too numerous to…
As the one year anniversary of the Pulse tragedy approaches, I feel compelled to share a blog post which I published last year in reaction to our collective shock and sadness. Prayers and tears continue for the victims, their families and the community. +GOB When I heard the news, I was sitting in the airport…
Bishop Gregory Brewer has issued the following Pastoral Letter on Same-Sex Marriage and the Diocese of Central Florida. The expectation is that rectors, vicars and priests in charge will share it with their congregations. Diocesan lay members also are invited to share the letter among themselves and the public. Download the letter in PDF form: SameSexMarriageinTECandDCF-07-18-15 The…