Holy Faith, Dunnellon, celebrates 50th Anniversary

By Tippy Corliss

The Holy Faith Episcopal Church, Dunnellon, 50th Anniversary celebration on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 20 and 21, was an amazing event.  It began with a much publicized, free Country Fair that drew over 300 people on Saturday.  For the children there was a petting zoo, pony rides, games with prizes, and wonderful face painting.  Little ones with puppy or cat or butterfly or green Ninja Turtle faces were everywhere.  For the enjoyment of the adults, a church member brought his antique car club to display their “golden oldies”.  Tours of the church and grounds were conducted.  Some visitors told us they hadn’t known a church was located in Blue Cove.   Now they know!

Food was sold at 1960’s prices. 320 Nathan’s hot dogs disappeared at 25 cents each emptying the two local Winn Dixie stores of their inventory.  More than 100 vanilla ice cream Dixie cups with those little wooden spoons were a hit at 10 cents.

By 3pm the remainder of the 40 plus blue T-shirt clad Holy Faith volunteers sank into chairs in Faith Hall exhausted and delighted at the results of a year and a half of planning and work.

But it wasn’t over.  On Sunday morning at 10 a.m., the Rev. J. James Gerhart, our priest, led a capacity crowd in a “retro” service from the 1927 Book of Common Prayer and by an original bulletin from the 1964 service.  One of the original acolytes, Paul Cowan, Jr. assisted Fr. Jim.  60’s style hats, dresses and suits added to the nostalgia.  The coffee hour that followed in the Hall gave everyone a chance to chat and check out the Holy Faith Family “clothesline” of member photos.

But it still wasn’t over.  At 4 pm, 79 members and guests gathered at a local restaurant for dinner.  Honored guests included Rachel Alexander Carpenter, a Holy Faith charter member, the Rev. Dick Casto, former Holy Faith priest, the Rev. Gene Reuman, former Holy Faith deacon, now priest at St. Margaret’s, Inverness, the Rev. Al Morris, retired priest and Holy Faith member.  Traveling the farthest to attend was Vi Bell, long time member, now living in northern Vermont.  Blessing the event was Holy Faith’s dear friend and supporter, the Rev. Canon Nelson Pinder.

Now that our 50th really is over, we are overwhelmed with gratitude to God for blessing our days of work and joy.  For “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28  (1952 RSV)

Holy Faith History

The following is a condensed and edited version of the original Holy Faith History as compiled by long-time member Jeani Cowan with contributions from the late Marianthe Coppedge and Gee Steiber, Paul Jr and Kennett Cowan, Millie Bostwick, Adela Anderson and Suzie Kuka.

In 1964, a group of approximately 30 people from the rapidly growing southwestern part of Marion County came together in faith and purpose to organize an Episcopal Church in Dunnellon.  The church was originally named the Church of the Holy Faith, Dunnellon because “We are creating this church purely on faith.”  Grace Church, Ocala, graciously sponsored this new mission church and over the following years supported Holy Faith with funds, prayer books, hymnals and other needed items.  Fr. Maurice Benitez of Grace Church conducted the first formal worship service for the mission on Sept. 9, 1964 at Dunnellon High School with 32 adults and 5 children attending.

Over the next year and a half, a site was chosen and purchased.  A 100 seat sanctuary, 4  Sunday school rooms, a sacristy and kitchen were planned.  During this time every conceivable effort was made to raise funds and increase the membership.

The new building was dedicated on May 1, 1966 by the Rt Reverend Henry T Louttit, Bishop of the Diocese of South Florida with 109 in attendance.  Retired Fr C. A. Copp from Eustis served as interim priest until Aug. 1966 when the Rev. Roger L. Henshaw became the first full time Vicar at Holy Faith.

Some highlights of the growing church during the following years included:

1) An Acolyte Festival for 350 young people from around the state was held.
2) The donation of a beautiful carved wooden corpus which remains today over the altar was carried home from Europe to Dunnellon by members Regina and Cecil Hogg on their laps as the airline would not allow the 5′ sculptured piece of art to be shipped in the hold.
3) In 1968, the city of Ocala presented Holy Faith with the 1889 bell which had hung in the tower of the original Ocala Fire House. Note: The bell was returned to the city in 2013 to be hung again in a newly completed fire station. The city replaced it with another bell.
4) The Blessing of Animals begun on local ranches in the 60’s was revived and celebrated in 1972 at the church and continues to this day at our Pet Memory Garden. (At the request of Fr Gerhart, NO SNAKES, PLEASE…)
5) Faith Hall was built in 1982
6) The Food Pantry at Holy Faith was expanded and continues today assisting local needy families. “Food-4 Kids”, a backpack program, is also headquartered at Holy Faith.
7) Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops were formed, producing eight Eagle Scouts.
8) The Deborah Chapter of the Daughters of the King has been reinstituted.

In 2007, after the retirement of the full-time priest and with membership declining, the Vestry and remaining members with an ever deepening commitment prayed for the revival of our dear church.  Blessed support and encouragement came from visits of the Rev. Canon Pinder of the Northwest Diocese and from the Rev. Al Morris, retired priest and church member.  Active members reached deeply into their hearts and wallets to renew Holy Faith and to aid the Dunnellon community.

In 2010, supply priest Fr. J. James Gerhart agreed to become priest-in-charge.  His leadership, energy, sense of humor and weekly messages of Christ’s love brought back the feeling of family that had faded away.  Membership began increasing with new members joining old in all the activities of the church.  Renovation and remodeling of the sanctuary and hall are in progress.

Warmth, fellowship, hope and life are present again at Holy Faith.  We look at a bright future with enormous gratitude to our Savior, Jesus Christ for His never ending, ever-present love and support.

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