Grace Episcopal Church celebrates 110th anniversary

By Andy Fillmore

Grace OcalaC
Karen Holland, a manufacturing engineer at Lockheed Martin, had a bit of difficulty quickly describing the outfit she wore to the 110th anniversary celebration service at Grace Episcopal Church on Sunday.

The service was conducted in the style of worship circa 1905 when the church was moved from a few blocks away to where it stands today surrounded by a decorative wrought iron fence.

Historical Church ServiceParishioners were encouraged to wear clothing of the period.

“I researched turn of the century clothes and borrowed this from the Ocala Civic Theater,” said Holland.

Holland attended the 9:45 a.m. worship service wearing what she described — after some additional research — as a “late Victorian satin blouse with high collar, full length ‘A’ frame velvet skirt in dark olive and a small hat with brown lacey trim.”

The idea of a throwback Sunday was suggested by church member Eleanor Simons, a former teacher at Grace Episcopal School.

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Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil to celebrate 125 years

[Episcopal News Service] For 125 years the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil has been rooted in mission. What began as a mission church of the U.S.-based Episcopal Church has expanded its own mission fields into remote corners in what is the largest country in South America.

In the coming days, the church will gather in Porto Alegre, the birthplace of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, to celebrate not only its 125th anniversary but also 50 years of autonomy and 30 years of women’s ordination.

“It is important to celebrate this milestone because it is imperative that the history and memories of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil are kept alive,” said Archbishop Francisco de Assis da Silva, Brazil’s primate since 2013, and bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Brazil. “It is also an opportunity to celebrate and give thanksgivings for the dedication and devotion of many generations and to make visible the Anglican presence in Brazil.”  Continue reading

Peter David Eaton consecrated bishop coadjutor of Southeast Florida

By Altoria White


Photo: Barbara Lawless/Diocese of Southeast Florida

[Diocese of Southeast Florida] Peter David Eaton was ordained and consecrated bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Southeast Florida on May 9 in a service held at Trinity Cathedral in Miami, Florida. Eaton will be the fourth bishop of the Southeast Florida, succeeding the Rt. Rev. Leopold Frade, who will retire in January 2016 after 16 years of service to the diocese.

Over 1,200 people witnessed the service in person at the cathedral and via live stream video from a nearby hotel. Bishops from all over the country and the world attended the service. A historic occasion, this was the first time four bishops from churches in full communion with The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion participated in a service and together were co-consecrators of an Episcopal bishop. The Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht in Europe, the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar in India, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Moravian Church in North America were all participants.  Continue reading

The Rev. Lisa Hinkle begins new ministry in Belleview.


Here is her letter to her parish in May:

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

At the time of this writing I have been with you just over a month – and it has been a busy time to say the least. Taking a job as the new Rector of a parish only a few weeks before Holy Week presents one with a real challenge. I am happy to say that I was blessed to be a part of that time with all of you and I know that we experienced what is called “anamnesis” in worship. In other words, we truly recalled God’s saving deeds. On Palm Sunday we began with The Liturgy of the Palms outside, we heard about the events leading up to Jesus’ sentencing, and ended with the story of Jesus’ death on the cross.

IMG_8644The children learned to make palm crosses and that our palms are burned later to make the ashes for the next Ash Wednesday. At our Maundy Thursday service the choir sang, we washed each other’s feet, we shared the Eucharist; and we watched as the altar was stripped, the sacrament was taken to the Altar of Repose, the lights went dim and then we left in silence. From that time until noon on Good Friday, parishioners prayed in our sanctuary.

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Prayer Vigil: June 11–July 4, 2015

DOK Cross w Text  Color

The Order of the Daughters of the King Triennial ~ June 19–23, 2015
General Convention of the Episcopal Church* ~ June 25–July 3, 2015

A Prayer for General Convention
Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in General Convention for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

* * *

June 11, 2015  Pray daily that the splendor of our holy Triune God may be unleashed for all the world to see.

June 12, 2015  Pray daily for the Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church, the ELCA, the Roman Catholic Church and for all churches where Daughters of the King chapters are found.

June 13, 2015  Thanksgiving for the work of the National Council, The Rt. Rev. Sylvestre D. Romero, National Chaplain, The Rt. Rev. Bill Skilton, International Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Deborah Jackson, Jr. DOK Chaplain, & the Staff of the Margaret J. Franklin Center ~ Pray for traveling mercies daily for all

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St. Paul’s, New Smyrna Beach, welcomes the Rev. Rodney Roehner


Fr. Rodney, Carolina, Sophia and Alexa.

Fr. Rodney Roehner, the new rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, New Smyrna Beach, has a church full of active members who are eager to implement the next chapters in the church’s future, including a focus on the parish day school, parish hall and Resurrection Garden.


“As you are aware, there are many possibilities at St. Paul’s to reach to others in our parish and community,” Fr. Roehner said in one of his first church-newsletter messages.

“Fr. Rodney has some great ideas and a great enthusiasm for seeing them come to IMG_8159fruition,” said John Palmer, Senior Warden. “It is wonderful to see so many people excited about life here at St. Paul’s, and we have much to give thanks for, including our new Rector and his family.”

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Growth gains ground at Holy Trinity, Melbourne

IMG_20150517_154943-2The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer confirmed and received new members May 17 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Melbourne.

IMG_20150517_154920Co-Rectors the Rev. Stephen Easterdayand the Rev. Pamela Easterday, their colleagues, church members and guests celebrated the event with a reception afterward.

Congratulation and welcome to the family to the 29 people who were Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed at the May 17 service.

Confirmed: Kevin Arter, Madelyn Belt, Matthew Cahill, Aaron Cain, Amy Cain, IMG_20150517_160056Keith Cain, Evelyn Cruz, Wally Gaffney, Susan Jennings, Sasha Karlsson, Matthew Love, Eric Lowe, Robbie Robbins, Danny Stone, Sandra Stone, Richard Warren

Received: Alice Gaffney, Chris Arter, Marc Cameruci, Jackie Menzel, Bridget Morton, Jack Morton, Peggy Snead

Reaffirmed: Frank Christopian, Linda Edwards, Sarah Edwards, Judy
Miller, Jane Patrick, Alison Pope

Church offers rich community outreach

IMG_20150517_163044Prayer Shawls available in the Church Office: The prayer shawls that are knitted with love by those in our Prayer Shawl Ministry are intended to be given to members of the parish, family members, or friends, either in the hospital, in nursing homes, or at home. If you know someone who needs to be wrapped in prayer, stop by the Church Office during office hours and pick up a shawl, along with a prayer card and a gift bag. Continue reading

St. Matthias, Clermont, is outgrowing its worship space

IMG_20150419_094926Long-range planning is a key part of the ministry of the Rev. James Dorn III, his staff and his flock, as St. Matthias grows along with the city of Clermont.

From the Long-Range Planning Committee

The LRPC promised to report on the survey, which you responded to so IMG_8620effectively. Your responses and comments gave us the voice we so wanted to hear. Our initial take-away is that the St. Matthias community is pretty comfortable with its current status. The survey showed that most of us are in favor of growing St. Matthias and making it a welcoming place for Episcopalians and anyone interested in joining a community where God is worshipped, the Bible is preached and taught, and where people genuinely care for each other. However, there are some long-term developments that we, the LRPC, see that catch our attention. We would like to share our assessment with you and some proposals for positioning ourselves to navigate the coming changes.

IMG_8601We believe we have four strategic issues to address:
1. Making St. Matthias attractive to new members
2. Maximizing member participation in St. Matthias
3. Optimizing use of current facilities
4. Improving the fiscal health of St. Matthias

We grouped our survey questions around these four areas. The chart shows the results. One area that stands out to us and highlights the need for an ongoing awareness and change effort will be the service schedule analysis. This area had the lowest level of agreement, but it is a key area of resource optimization and space management. Continue reading

Church of the Holy Child, Ormond Beach, welcomes new rector

After months of negotiating with U.S. immigration authorities, Church of the Holy Child, Ormond Beach, welcomed Fr. Stephen Pessah; his wife, the Rev. Beth Pessah; and their two sons, Matthew, 16, and Nathan, 18. The Pessahs had served churches in Canada before coming to the Diocese of Central Florida.

Bishop Brewer preached at the visitation service, May 17.

“I know you are approaching this day with great relief, as you welcome Stephen and Beth,” Bishop Brewer said, adding that when churches experience the uncertainty of a protracted calling of a new rector, “It wears on you. It grates on you. It makes the tasks of the church more difficult.”

But however hard it is for a congregation to relax, “We can discover as a result all of the things that God can do. Everything about this place will move into some new focus,” Bishop Brewer said.

A note from the Rev. Stephen Pessah to the congregation:

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Diocese of Central Florida sends aid to Nepal

From Deacon John Motis, diocesan disaster-relief coordinator:

FrontcoverNepalBishop Greg Brewer, Fr. Loren Fox and I would like to express our appreciation and thanksgiving for your support of the relief efforts in Nepal. Our diocese has sent $18,000 to the Diocese of Singapore, which has effective structures in place to administer relief efforts in that region, specifically for the people of Nepal.

Please keep in mind the recovery is not over. There are still many, many people hurting and they do not have the social safety nets we have in our country. Monsoon season is upon the people of Nepal. Many are living without any form of shelter. Let us continue to pray for them.

We will continue to send any support you may offer.

Blessings, Deacon John Motis
Disaster Relief Coordinator Diocese of Central Florida

Just before noon local time on Saturday, April 25, Nepal suffered a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, one of the worst earthquakes to hit a populated area in living memory.

Aid agencies including Episcopal churches and relief organizations, are sending funds to be used for emergency food and non-food items, shelter, clean water and sanitation facilities, among other things.

More than 4,000 people have been killed and over 6,000 injured due to the earthquake, according to the Anglican Board of Mission, based in Australia. The destruction of countless homes and buildings has left many people sleeping on the streets in freezing temperatures.

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