
God willing and the people consenting
The Right Reverend Edward S. Little, II, Bishop of Northern Indiana
on behalf of The Right Reverend Gregory O. Brewer, Bishop of Central Florida
will ordain
Tanya Lynn Scheff
to the Sacred Order of Priests
in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
on Friday, June 5, 2015 at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at
Trinity Episcopal Church, 600 Franklin Square, Michigan City, Indiana

Your Prayers and Presence are Requested

Please Join Us for an Evening of Celebration

It is our goal to raise $36,000 to honor 36 years of
deaconal ministry by Rev. Sam and Jean Gilkey.

All funds collected will be distributed equally between St. Cloud Cares, A Place for Grace, and The Community Hope Center. These are all ministries that hold a special place in the hearts of Sam and Jean.
Checks should be made payable to St. Luke and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and mailed to 2745 Canoe Creek Road, St. Cloud, FL 34772 no later than June 20, so that a total of gifts may be announced at the celebration.

Spend an Evening with
Sam and Jean Gilkey
Canoe Creek Christian Church
4080 Pine Tree Drive, St. Cloud
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

5:30 pm Ministry Booths Open
6:00 pm Welcome, Opening Prayer and Finger Foods Served
6:30 pm Outreach Ministry Presentations
7:00 pm Shared Memories to honor Sam and Jean Gilkey
7:30 pm Honorees Sam and Jean Gilkey share their thoughts
8:00 pm Dessert and Announcement of Total Amount Raised for
the Ministries to Honor Sam and Jean Gilkey

Contact Information: Fr. Rob Longbottom slspchurch@gmail.com
Office Phone: 407-892-3227

Celebrate a lifetime of Ministry with Rev. Sam and Jean Gilkey

When: Saturday June 27, 6pm
Where: Canoe Creek Chrsitian Church
4080 Pine Tree Dr, St Cloud, FL 34772

Come join the community in celebrating Rev. Sam Gilkey’s lifetime of ministry, the past 11 of which has been served here in Osceola County, at 6 p.m., Saturday, June 27. Rev. Gilkey, who has worked to help the needy in our community and give them hope, is retiring from ministry at the end of June.

Rev. Gilkey has been an ordained deacon in the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Central Florida for 36 years, the last 11 of which has seen him serve as deacon at The Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Peter in St. Cloud. His wife, Jean, has served by his side all that time as well.

The June 27 celebration of the Gilkey’s ministry will aim to bring in $36,000, $1,000 for each year of ministry, to be given to three Osceola County outreach ministries that are closest to Rev. Gilkey’s heart: St. Cloud Cares, The Community Hope Center of Kissimmee and A Place for Grace.

Each of those three ministries will be highlighted during the evening along with the Gilkey’s 36 years of ministry. Community and religious leaders will have the opportunity to thank the couple for their dedication. Rev. Gilkey himself will also share his spiritual journey and vision of pastoral leadership.

The Gilkeys have been a part of our Osceola County community for many years and have dedicated themselves to serving and connecting together both the poor and the church. They have done this through serving on various committees, boards and outreach ministries in Osceola County and St. Cloud.

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Deacon Ordinations at the Cathedral

11224597_10152987696301775_8315485540900600745_oDeacons Mark Alan Lafler, Michelle Ann Ryan, Josh Bales and Tracy Michelle Dugger, with Bishop Brewer.

Listen to Bishop Brewer’s Sermon

The Right Reverend Gregory Orrin Brewer, Bishop, ordained
Joshua Morris Bales
Tracy Michelle Dugger
Mark Alan Lafler
Michelle Ann Ryan
to the Sacred Order of Deacons
in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
on Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at The Cathedral Church of St. Luke, 130 North Magnolia Avenue, Orlando.

Report from Scripture Union

Building a National Children’s Ministry Strategy

Photo1What does it take to bring a nationwide revival? Do you have a heart to see our nation changed? I travel extensively and see both the state of our nation as well as the frustration of God’s people. I listen to pastors pour out their hearts that they don’t have enough trained volunteers and that they don’t have enough funds to do missions and outreach. I listen to lay people share that their isn’t clear direction for them to use their gifts and talents and that their aren’t enough volunteers to help. People mourn the state of the nation and moral decay and problems in society. The answer is most certainly that people need to connect in a relationship to Jesus Christ and the remedy is 1) engaging people in prayer 2) helping people meet God through the scriptures and 3) building a national outreach to children.

We know from the scriptures that the “enemy has come to rob, kill and destroy” photo2(John 10:10). We are facing a major spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of our young people and children. Scripture Union is building a national strategy to reach more children for Christ in more places than at any time. It will be the worlds largest Children’s Ministries Outreach. We will create opportunities for people to sign up as prayer warriors, volunteers, financiers, teacher/trainers, staff and advocates. Later this month our national field staff will gather in Orlando to begin preparing the ground for their involvement in building strategies across different pockets of the USA. This is only a start. There is much to do. Please be in prayer for us May 26 – 29 as we gather to hear God’s voice and direction and begin to pray, plan and push ahead.

In His love and mine,
Dr. Michael Staples

Our Auburndale Outreach


Children learning about God’s creation story and how sin entered into the world at our Prime Time in Auburndale Lion’s Club

It is such a joy to see children being impacted socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. Thanks to the work of so many volunteers from at least 4 different churches headed by St. Alban’s Church to reach children from various walks of life. The tutoring is making a difference in the children’s lives but the real joy is to watch them grow in their knowledge of Christ and in their love for Christ.


Find out more about Scripture Union and SuperKids at http://superkidsmission.com/john-who-jesus

Nepal needs our help

By the Rev. Loren Fox

For those congregations who will be participating in the Diocesan collection for Nepal this month, this letter from the Dean of Nepal adds a personal insight to what is happening on the ground there.

The Deanery of Nepal
It has been a week since the 7.8 magnitude quake hit Nepal. Today, the churches in Nepal meet to worship (Saturday is a rest day in Nepal, also the day churches meet to worship), but it will never be the same again. Many have lost their loved ones, friends, colleagues, classmates, and fellow acquaintances. Today also marks the last day for Search and Rescue, and all buried will be presumed dead.

For the Anglican Church in Nepal and our Diocese, today is a very sad day as we mourn the death of 78 Anglican members in the district of Dhading. (The number could rise, as many are still buried under the rubble.) We have just received a report of the death toll, and that 13 of our church buildings in 14 villages of the Dhading district are destroyed, and 30,000 villagers are displaced, affecting more than 5,000 families. They are without shelter, food and aid. Many are having to brave the cold wet nights in the open due to the monsoon. Some woke up only to find their young children dead from the cold.

The people in the mountains are cut off from aid and supply due to severe damage to the roads and mountain tracks. We thank God for brave souls like young Pastor Beg who trekked the mountains in the last 4 days, despite knowing the dangers, to check on the well-being of his Tamang people. The death toll has gone beyond 6,200 as of this morning, with more than 20,000 injured, and many more thousands are still unaccounted for. Let’s unite our hearts to pray for God’s mercy for Nepal and let’s extend our help in whatever ways we can reach those who are badly needing the shelters, food and supplies.

Rev. Lewis Lew
(Dean of Nepal)
2 May 2015