EC Foundation Planned-Giving Resources

Introducing… Planned Giving on Demand! October 16, 2014
The wait is over.
We at ECF are proud to announce that Planned Giving on Demand is now available. It is our comprehensive package of print and online resources to help you establish, enhance, and sustain an effective planned giving program.Planned Giving on Demand contains:

  • Planned Giving on Demand Program Guide
  • Funding Future Ministry: A Guide to Planned Giving
  • Sample set of ECF‘s Planned Giving Brochures and Booklets
  • Access to ECF‘s Online Planned Giving Resources
For a full description, and to purchase Planned Giving on Demand please click here. If you have any questions, please contact ECF Assistant Program Director, Meg King, or (800) 697-2858.

Jim Murphy
ECF Managing Program Director

Thanksgiving Offering 2014

Church of the Transfiguration
Guaimaca, Honduras

Historically, the churches in the Diocese of Central Florida designate their Thanksgiving Offering to be used for mission in the Diocese of Honduras.  This year Bishop Lloyd Allen, Bishop of Honduras since 2001, has asked our diocese to focus on a church with great potential, but in great need.

Before burglars and vandalism left their mark on the Church of the Transfiguration in the city of Guaimaca, Honduras, it was one of the church jewels of the Diocese of Honduras.

Not only were the Eucharistic vessels stolen, not only was the organ and guitar stolen, not only were two vital sewing machines stolen, but every wall plug, the florescent tubes and the wiring panel were stolen from this lovely church building. With the theft also came vandalism of the sanctuary itself with many windows broken.

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Revda. Dagoberto Chacon

Affectionately called Padre Dago

Father Dago with daughter

The Rev. Dagoberto Chacon, Dean of the El Paraiso Deanery in the Diocese of Honduras, an area the Diocese of Central Florida has been asked to focus on, is pictured above with daughter, Angie, as he prepares to lead music and worship with the October 2014 Mission Team on Deacon Kathy Pennybacker’s patio.

Father Dago teaches



Father Dago teaches team members, Father Brian Garrison and Mike Nolan how to strip a sugar cane to find the sweet parts to chew on.



Fathers Comforted


Fathers Comforted, Dagoberto, and Bryan, assisted by Deacon Kathy prepare for Eucharist at the church in Zarzal, one of Father Dago’s churches.



Thanksgiving Offering — Guaimaca, Honduras

Thanksgiving Offering – Church of the Transfiguration, Guaimaca, Honduras

Honduras 2012 Team

Honduras Team

 Historically, the churches in the Diocese of Central Florida designate their Thanksgiving Offering to be used for mission in the Diocese of Honduras. This year Bishop Lloyd Allen, Bishop of Honduras since 2001, has asked our diocese to focus on a church with great potential, but in great need.

 Before burglars and vandalism left their mark on the Church of the Transfiguration in the city of Guaimaca, Honduras, it was one of the church jewels of the Diocese of Honduras.

Not only were the Eucharistic vessels stolen, not only was the organ and guitar stolen, not only were two vital sewing machines stolen, but every wall plug, the florescent tubes and the wiring panel were stolen from this lovely church building. With the theft also came vandalism of the sanctuary itself with many windows broken.

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46th Diocesan Convention details posted

Diocese of Central Florida


The Diocese of Central Florida
Friday, January 23 & Saturday, January 24, 2015

                         TO:               All Clergy and Lay Delegates to Convention
                         DATE:         October 21, 2014

Information concerning the Annual Convention

Available on Diocesan Website at:

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6th Annual Men’s Retreat

Men’s Retreat 2014

Forgotten Son / Anointed One

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom then shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

Led By:

• Fr. Steve Easterday of Holy Trinity  Episcopal Church in Melbourne
• Fr. Deke Miller of Camp Wingmann
• Fr. Dave Newhart from St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Sebastian
• The Rev. Canon Tim Nunez, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Central Florida

Forgotten Son / Anointed One

The LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the LORD does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

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