Our churches and communities

Dear Diocesan Lay Leaders,

Most of you probably already are using these resources from The Episcopal Church, but the link is worth posting again:


In order to know who you are, you need to examine where you are and where you have been.

Looking at the social and demographic characteristics of the local community sheds light on the people to which we hope to minister. Looking at trends in membership, average worship attendance, and financial giving sheds light on congregational strength and whether current patterns indicate growth, decline or stability.

On the site linked above, you can display and print two charts and a community demographic profile. The two charts track membership, participation, and giving over the most recently available eleven years for your congregation and your diocese. These data are from annual Parochial Reports. The community demographic profile will give you a demographic overview of the area within a three-mile radius of your congregation’s physical location.

Joe Thoma
Communications Director
Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
1017 E. Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801-2023

Holy Week in the Bookstore

The Cathedral Church of Saint Luke
Orlando, Florida

The Cathedral Bookstore

HW1The Bookstore is pleased to offer a selection of lovely gifts for the coming Easter celebration:


Crystal cross jewelry

Prayer boxes

Russian Easter eggs

Gregorian chant CDs for Easter

Easter books and activities for children

Easter cards

Glass cross pendants made in Honduras

Easter basket stuffers

And more! Come in and see what’s new.


Holy Week Hours:

Palm Sunday: 9 am to 12:30 pm
Maundy Thursday: 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Easter Sunday: 9 to 10:15 am


We’re also open for group events and individual appointments upon request.

Contact Information:
Bookstore Coordinator
Anne Michels
407-849-0680 x 218

Upcoming Five-Day Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Human Relations (HR) Workshops

Learn more at http://www.eqhrcenter.org/upcoming-events/

p1April 14 thru 17, 2014 – at the Duncan Conference Center, Delray Beach, FL

  • Full Tuition $595.00
  • ESCI 360 Survey $199.00
  • Meals/Lodging available at Duncan:
    Single $444.00, Double $330.00,
    Commuter $250.00

p2May 4 thru 8, 2015 – Lutherdale Bible Camp,
Elkhorn, WI in partnership with the Greater Milwaukee Synod

  • Early Registration $595.00, Full tuition after March 30 is $645.00
  • ESCI 360 Survey $199.00
  • Lodging and meals available at Lutherdale:
    Single $333.00, Double $293.00, Commuter $150.00

p3July 6 thru 10, 2015 – Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN

  • Full Tuition $595.00 paid to Luther Seminary/Kairos
  • ESCI Assessment $195.00 paid to the EQ-HR Center
  • Lodging and meals available at Luther Seminary
    Contact Luther Seminary Guest Housing Reservation line at 651-641-3237 or email stubhr@luthersem.edu

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New Beginnings participants grow in faith and joy

My name is Michelle Schiller and I am the Youth Leader at Hope Episcopal Church in Suntree. I had the privilege of being an adult counselor at the March 2015 New Beginnings Weekend for the first time. I attended with another adult counselor and three of our church’s youth group members were group participants.


What a joy it was to hear the Praise Team every day! Mike, the music director/keyboardist, Zach the drummer, and Stephanie and Katie the singers, made up half the Praise Team, and were all from our church. A few people said to me, upon learning that my daughter was one of those singers, that they were thrilled to have female voices up there this time. The song selections were awesome to sing and watch, as participants and team members bounced, swayed and raised their arms in the air to praise Jesus together.



I enjoyed the small group opportunities. As an adult counselor, I was told to act like a group member. I thought that would be a hard job since I’m so used to leading the youth. It turned out our group leader, Val, was awesome and performed her job spectacularly. When there was a quiet group she asked questions, and when the answers she received could have been a little closer to the point, she encouraged them to give us a little more.


The two sharing times on the stage knocked my socks off. I was elated when one of my reserved youth groupers went up and spoke, and at the end of Sunday, wanted to be a group leader.

My list of people to pray for has definitely grown, as has my circle of friends. I will treasure the time spent at Camp Wingmann/New Beginnings, and hope to be going back in September with more Youth!


Michelle Schiller, Youth Group Leader
Hope Episcopal Church, Suntree, FL



Congregational Development Commission offers resources

By the Rev. Rob Goodridge

“Remembering for the Sake of Our Future,” the history documentary that was screened at diocesan convention is now online at: https://vimeo.com/122162007 Please copy and paste this link in your browser to view it.

Please feel free to share this link with your members.

The leaders guides for vestry/congregational and new comer/enquirer classes are below. If you need a higher resolution copy, please send your request to Fr. Rob Goodridge at rob@robgoodridge.com He will send a link to the Congregational Development Dropbox folder, where you can download the file and play it from you computer.

I pray that this presentation will be a blessing to you and your congregations.

Warmly in Christ,
Rev. Rob Goodridge+

Remembering For the Sake of Our Future: Suggestions for Newcomers Meetings & Inquirers’ Classes

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Introduction to Lectio Divina

A Contemplative Outreach of Central Florida – SPECIAL EVENT

presented by Mike Potter
Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.

Saturday, April 18, 2015
Annunciation Catholic Church
Nazareth Center
Altamonte Springs, Florida
8:30 a m – 3:00 pm
Requested Donation: $20
Please bring a bagged lunch


Please register by April 14, 2015 See registration form below.

Lectio Divina is one of the great treasures of the Christian tradition of prayer. It means Divine Reading, which is reading the book we believe to be divinely inspired. Listening to the word of God in Scripture (Lectio Divina) is a traditional way of cultivating friendship with Christ. It is a way of listening to the texts of Scriptures as if we were in conversation witth Christ and He were suggesting the topics of conversation. Conversation simplifies and gives way to communing with God.

During this Introduction, Mike will teach the method of Lectio Divina as a way to pray the sacred scriptures through a Christian tradition of prayer that includes reading, reflecting, responding and resting in the Word of God. In this way, one’s relationship with God is nourished and grows.

This introduction is for those wishing to learn about this beautiful practice and also long-time practitioners of Lectio Divina who wish to deepen their understanding of the practice.

Mike Potter is a commissioned presenter of both Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina workshops, and has led many workshops and retreats throughout the country featuring these contemplative spiritual practices.

In July 2013 Mike retired after thirty-five years as a tax lawyer tto pursue full time studies at Memphis Theological Seminary. In May 2014, he graduated summa cum laude with a Master of Divinity degree. On June 1, 2015, Mike will be commissioned as provisional Elder in the United Methodist Church. He aspires to apply his contemplative way of living in the world as a hospice chaplain. He currently serves as a Resident Chaplain at the VA Medical Center in Memphis where he provides pastoral care to veterans and their families in the Palliative Care, Dialysis and Hematology/Oncology Units.

Mike and his wife, Rosemary, live in Memphis, Tennessee, and have two adult sons, David and Jeff, two wonderful daughters-in-law, Stephanie and Leslie, and two grandsons, Finn and Sully.


Registration Form

Please complete this registration form and mail with your $20 check to:

Alice Logan
505 Green Briar Blvd
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Make your check payable to COCFL.

Please register by April 14.


NAME: _________________________________________________
HOME PHONE: __________________________________________
CELL PHONE: ___________________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________
CITY/ST/ZIP: ____________________________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________________________

Questions? Email Alice Logan: alicevl@aol.com

Paying Attention to God and Centering Prayer

By Rob Lord


Meditation Garden, Encinitas, CA., January 27, 2015

What has been the most significant catalyst of growth and change in my Christian journey? How would you answer that question? As Fr. Henri Nouwen said so well: “Without silence it is virtually impossible to grow spiritually.”

Silence, and the practice of centering prayer meditation, is for me, the most reliable spiritual practice that helps me pay attention to God, and to fight the incessant distractions of life in this world. And science continues to discover the emotionally healthy benefits of a meditation practice: it literally changes our brains.

Research with Buddhists and Christian monks has demonstrated conclusively how the practice of silence transforms the neurochemistry of the brain. Why? Silence was always meant to be part of Gods’ plan for transformation of our lives. As the Psalmist says: For God alone my soul in silence waits; from him comes my wholeness, my salvation. Ps 62:1

Studies of people doing meditation showed that after only eight weeks, a 12 minute a day practice changed the brain pretty significantly. But the more you keep working on that change, probably the more change you will see. It is like a muscle, the more you work out, the bigger it becomes.

Consider these findings from – Newberg M.D., Andrew; Mark Robert Waldman. How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist

• If you contemplate God long enough, something surprising happens in the brain.    Neural functioning begins to change.

• Different circuits become activated, while others become deactivated. New dendrites are formed, new synaptic connections are made, and the brain becomes more sensitive to subtle realms of experience. Perceptions alter, beliefs begin to change, and if God has meaning for you, then God becomes neurologically real.

• Spiritual practices, even when stripped of religious beliefs, enhance the neural functioning of the brain in ways that improve physical and emotional health. Contemplative practices strengthen a specific neurological circuit that generates peacefulness, social awareness, and compassion for others.

Conclusion: we have to strengthen the muscle of attentiveness or it will atrophy. Paying attention to God is what centering prayer, silence, meditation is all about. I am convinced it leads to “below the surface” growth, healing, and Christlike love.

With you on the Journey,

Holy Week and Sunday of the Resurrection 2015

The Cathedral Church of Saint Luke
Revealing Timeless Truth To A Changing World


Palm Sunday                March 29
8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m*    Holy Eucharist
6:00 p.m.

Monday                         March 30
7:30 a.m.               Holy Eucharist

Wednesday                    April 1
12:05 p.m.         Holy Eucharist and Healing

Maundy Thursday         April 2
6:30 p.m.     Loaves and Fishes Dinner*
7:30 p.m.     Holy Eucharist with foot washing*
Bishop Brewer celebrating and preaching
followed by all night prayer watch

Good Friday                     April 3
7:30 a.m.       Good Friday Liturgy with Holy Communion
12:00 Noon           Good Friday Liturgy
Bishop Brewer preaching
The Cathedral will remain open until 3:00 p.m.
for those who wish to spend time in silent prayer.
4:00 p.m.     Children’s Stations of the Cross in the Great Hall
7:30 p.m.    Tenebrae, led by the Cathedral Chamber Singers

Holy Saturday                  April 4
8:30 a.m     Morning Prayer in the Armed Forces Chapel
7:30 p.m.     The Great Vigil of Easter* with the Cathedral Choir
(Remember your bell or noisemaker!)

Easter Day                        April 5
7:30 a.m.     Holy Eucharist*
Bishop Brewer celebrating and preaching
Confirmations, Receptions and Reaffirmations
10:15 a.m.      Children’s Easter Celebration in the
Undercroft Activity Room
with Easter Egg Hunt in the Courtyard**
10:15 a.m.      Festival Eucharist with BrassWorks and Percussion*
and with Cathedral Choir and Choristers
Bishop Brewer celebrating and preaching
6:00 p.m.                         Holy Eucharist

*childcare available for second grade and younger during services.
**ages three through third grade

The Bishop’s Conference on Faith & Work – Connecting Your Work to God’s Work

May 29 – 30, 2015

Canterbury Retreat & Conference Center
1601 Alafaya Trail (SR434) Oviedo, FL 32765

Keynote Speaker: Katherine Leary Alsdorf, Founder and Director Emeritus of the Center for Faith & Work at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City

The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer
Bishop of Central Florida

The Rev. Canon Dr. Justin S. Holcomb
Canon for Vocations
Diocese of Central Florida

Having founded CFW in 2002, Katherine served as its Executive Director until December 2012. In this role, she set the vision and strategy of the Center’s core programs, developed lay and staff leadership, and guided strategic partnerships. Prior to this ministry role, Katherine spent twenty years in the high tech industry in California and New York. She was CEO of Pensare, an online management education company; CEO of One Touch Systems, a hardware/software products company; and President of Private Satellite Network, a satellite services company. She also worked in various consulting, sales and marketing roles, primarily in the technology sector.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”– Colossians 3:17

“One of the greatest disconnects for this generation is how life and work fit together. There is a need to talk about purpose in life, and calling. We need to provide a stronger theology of work to help them make integrate connections to their daily lives.” — David Kinnaman


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Women’s Retreat: “Made to Thrive” Apr 17-19

The Retreat
All women of the Diocese of Central Florida are welcome. Our speaker is Rachel Hauck, an award winning, best-selling Christian author. Invite a friend, sister, mother or daughter to share the experience of a retreat at Canterbury. Experience Christ’s love in this place as you share fellowship with friends, new and old. There will be time for learning, renewal, prayer and reflection. Song and worship will be a central feature. You will leave renewed, refreshed and ready to enjoy and share your life in Christ.

The Speaker…Rachel Hauck
Rachel Hauck”My whole life I’d been telling stories.” Rachel Hauck uses these words as she describes her journey from life in a well-paying career that included international travel to life as a Christian writer and novelist. The journey began with a “tugging” on her heart to make the change, and by 2004 Rachel was a full time writer of award winning best-sellers that draw on her faith. “I’ve discovered dreams are best realized when running in partnership with a living God. And I’ve never looked back.”


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