Walking the Mourner’s Path is a Christ-centered, non-denominational grief support program
We believe grieving is not evidence of a lack of faith but a natural part of living.
The ministry of Walking the Mourner’s Path is eight spiritually directed small group workshops led by trained facilitators and a member of the clergy based in a faith community.
Walking the Mourner’s Path Workshop participants find:
* That although their pain is unique, they are not alone on their journey
* The need to allow Christ to be a part of both the pain and the healing
* Tools for moving forward with their life
* A way to honor their loved one
* Joy
A Walking the Mourner’s Path program is scheduled for Thursdays, January 5 thru February 23 at 2:30 p.m. at the All Saints Healing Ministry – Glennon House, Winter Park. For more information or to register to attend, please contact Barbara at the Glennon House, (407) 647-8925.