Diocese Partnering with Made to Flourish for ‘Labor Day Worship Celebration’August 28, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EVENTS • LEADERSHIP

The Diocese of Central Florida continues to be on the front lines with evangelism as it will partner with other groups this week to offer a “Labor Day Worship Celebration.”

The “Labor Day Worship Celebration” will be held at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 29, at First Presbyterian Church’s Reformation Chapel in downtown Orlando. The church is located at 106 E. Church St. Fellowship will follow the event in downtown Orlando.

The head organizer of the event is Made to Flourish, a group of clergy from different Christian denominations who are working together to teach others how to effectively spread the Gospel, according to Sarah Caprani, executive assistant to Bishop Greg Brewer in the Diocese of Central Florida.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Justin Holcomb, Canon for Vocations in the Diocese of Central Florida, is one of two city directors for Made to Flourish and will represent the Episcopal Church in the event, which is free and open to the public. The Rev. Dr. Case Thorp, a senior associate pastor at First Presbyterian, is the other city director.

“The Labor Day Event is a worship service that will be held at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Orlando,” said Caroline Miller, administrative assistant to the Canon for Vocations. “This is the first time that the diocese has partnered with the other groups to offer this service, though the other organizations and churches involved may have held similar services in the past.”

Rev. Damien Schitter of New City Church in downtown Orlando will deliver the sermon at the service. Schitter has been on staff at New City Church for four years and is currently the primary preacher.

Persons attending the event at First Presbyterian Church are asked to enter via Magnolia Street. Free parking is available at 300 Liberty Street. For more details on parking, visit https://fpco.org/visit/ on the internet.

For more information, call First Presbyterian Church at 407-423-3441 or access www.madetoflourish.org/network/cities/orlando/ on the internet.