Bishop Brewer to Preach at Two Services Sunday at St. Cloud ChurchAugust 24, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EVENTS • REACHING OUT

Sunday, Aug. 26, will be a day of celebration at the Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Peter, 2745 Canoe Creek Road, in St. Cloud.

Bishop Greg Brewer will preach and celebrate at the 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. services at the Osceola County church, located 31 miles southeast of downtown Orlando. Ten confirmations and three receptions will be held during the second service or family service at 9:30 a.m. The opening 8 a.m. service is a traditional service with Holy Eucharist.

Scriptures to be utilized Sunday are: Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18; Psalm 34:15-22; Ephesians 6:10-20; and John 6:56-69, according to the Diocese of Central Florida. A pancake breakfast will be held following the 9:30 a.m. service, which celebrates Holy Eucharist with music and includes children’s worship. The breakfast will be held in the church’s parish hall.

In other news at St. Luke and St. Peter, the church is currently establishing a new church directory and is offering a free 8 X 10 family portrait to parishioners who come in for photos, according to the church’s Facebook page. Group packages also will be available for purchase if desired.

Father Rob Longbottom is the rector at St. Luke and St. Peter. For more information, call the church at 407-892-3227 or access the church website at: on the internet.