Church of the Good Shepherd’s Live Nativity Set for Sunday, Dec. 9December 5, 2018 • Jeff Gardenour  • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EVENTS • REACHING OUT

The manger scene is the ninth and final scene of the annual Live Nativity at Church of the Good Shepherd in Maitland. This year’s Live Nativity is scheduled for 6:30-8 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 9.

Folks can take a walk through some of the Bible’s most historical moments when Church of the Good Shepherd in Maitland once again presents its annual Live Nativity.

For the fifth consecutive year, the church will present a Live Nativity for the public on Sunday, Dec. 9, on church grounds. The free event runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m., with groups staggering their walks at 6:30, 7 and 7:30 p.m.

An estimated 35 actors and 45 additional volunteers are running this year’s show, which has become one of the Diocese of Central Florida’s most celebrated events during Advent. Hundreds are expected to come out to Church of the Good Shepherd, located at 331 Lake Ave., Maitland. It is situated in the Central Deanery, just 5 miles from Downtown Orlando.

“The Live Nativity was a dream (literally!) of a parishioner several years ago,” said Father Cameron MacMillan, rector of Church of the Good Shepherd. “She wanted to share the story of the Incarnation with the community in a vivid and tangible way. That dream became a reality about five years ago.

“Since then, we’ve continued to improve on our sets, costumes, props, and hospitality (cookies and music in the parish hall afterwards),” MacMillan said. “There is a lot of work involved in the preparation, and I love seeing how committed our parishioners are to making this happen. We also pray that those who journey through would sense the truth of our Lord pressing upon them and opening new places in their hearts.”

Nine scenes will comprise the Live Nativity, same as last year. Thousands of folks have visited the seven-acre campus since the event’s inception, marveling at the expertly-crafted scenes that culminate at the manger scene with Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus.

The Live Nativity begins with the Annunciation as Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel. Scene two portrays Mary’s visit to her elderly cousin, Elizabeth, with whom she shares her joy.  The third scene shows an angel of God visiting Joseph in a dream. In the fourth scene, a Roman soldier reads the decree concerning the census. In scene five, Mary and Joseph embark on their journey to Nazareth.

In scene six, in front of the outside altar, Mary and Joseph welcome their newborn baby on bales of hay. In scene seven, people can see the shepherds in their fields visited by angels. As the walk continues, guests see three wise men in the distance following the star in scene eight.

The ninth and final scene is the manger scene under the star. Mary, Joseph and Jesus, and live animals, are joined by an angel and the shepherds, who upon finding the child, stand in awe of this miracle, which is God coming to dwell among us as a newborn babe, according to Bobbi Vogel, whose recurring dream sparked the formation of the event.

Each scene is made explainable to the public through appropriate backdrops, with special attention paid to staging and props. In previous performances, actors wore handmade costumes. And to help bring life to scenes, live animals such as goats, sheep and cows are donated by a Volusia County 4-H club, Rodriguez said.

Full Sail University will once again provide prop lighting for the Live Nativity. All told, it a mammoth undertaking that takes months of planning and construction.

“We’ve been working on it since September,” said Heather Rodriguez, Church of the Good Shepherd parish administrator.

At the completion of their journey, guests can head back to the church for refreshments and entertainment provided by Church of the Good Shepherd.

“We are looking forward to hosting the event again this year and pray God uses it for his glory!” MacMillan said.

For more information, call the church office at 407-644-5350.