New Beginnings Weekend Helps Youth Grow in Relationship to GodOctober 3, 2024 • Shawn A. Akers  • CHILDREN & YOUTH • DIOCESAN FAMILY • EVENTS

As coordinator for New Beginnings weekend, the Rev. Kevin Bartle, rector of St. Mary of the Angels, Orlando, and one of three diocesan youth ministry coordinators, never wants the youth in attendance to concern themselves with keeping a schedule. That’s his job. Instead, he wants them to focus on only one thing: getting to know Jesus Christ more intimately.

From all indications, Bartle and his team accomplished their mission. “What we saw from these kids was absolutely incredible,” he said.

Held Sept. 20-22 at Camp Wingmann in Avon Park, the annual two-day New Beginnings retreat saw youth from throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida gather in a relaxed atmosphere to worship the Lord with joy and fervor. A total of 55 people participated, including 24 youth, 15 youth team members and 16 adults, altogether representing 14 churches from across the diocese. Bartle said the time together helped many of those in attendance to grow exponentially in their relationship with God.

Youth-led worship at New Beginnings | Photo: The Rev. Kevin Bartle

New Beginnings weekends, now held in churches throughout The Episcopal Church, began in  the Diocese of Central Florida. The retreat carries a longstanding tradition of partnering with students to help them grow in their love for themselves, others and God. Designed to address the concerns, issues and needs of middle school students, New Beginnings is facilitated by high schoolers, college-aged students and other adults who have shown their maturity in the Lord and an ability to teach the youth with the love and compassion of Jesus.

“It is so invigorating to see these kids put their faith into practice,” Bartle said. “They have a great time worshipping, and it’s like they are singing like an old church choir. They know they are singing to God above and what that means. It’s infectious, and it changes us adults because we see how they are changed.”

The diocese chose “No Fear” as the theme for this year’s New Beginnings weekend, based on 1 John 4:18, which reads, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

New Beginning’s participants worshipping together. | Photo: Dan King

“That scripture speaks to the church, but I think it really speaks to our youth,” Bartle said. “God loves us no matter what, whether we do the right thing or not. We don’t have to fear a God who loves us perfectly. God is powerful, but we shouldn’t be afraid of Him. He brings us to a place of safety, and the kids were really able to discover that during the New Beginnings weekend.”

Rev. Garcia Barnswell-Schmidt, chaplain at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Melbourne, and also one of the three diocesan youth ministry coordinators, echoed Bartle’s sentiments.

“Nothing, nothing can separate them from the love of God,” she said. “With God, they can weather anything that comes against them. Despite what the world might think of them, they are valued in God’s eyes. … Our youth are so desperate to be wanted and to be desired, and there is nothing more powerful in their lives than the love of Christ.”

“New Beginnings is a beautiful ministry retreat and a tradition of the Diocese of Central Florida that helps youth grow in their faith with God,” said Mr. Mark Cole, youth leader at St. Michael’s, Orlando, who brought a group from his church to participate in the weekend. “Youth are able to safely explore how God works and how a community in Christ is supported by each other.  The youth involved have a once-in-a-lifetime experience to become closer to God and each other, all while playing games, singing and worshipping the Lord.”