The Province IV Brotherhood of St. Andrew will host a 24-hour “Men’s Retreat to Rewind, Recharge, Rejoice” on Nov. 4-5, aimed to help BSA chapters regroup and rebuild after COVID. It will take place at the Diocese of Florida’s Camp Weed and Cerveny Conference Center in Live Oak. Registration closes on Oct. 21.
“The retreat will feature short presentations and group discussions about the presentations,” explained Leo Dugger, Province IV BSA vice president. “We are regenerating interest in the Brotherhood by giving pointers for moving forward and increasing activity.”
The BSA is an international ministry of men within the Anglican Communion founded in 1883 at St. James’, Chicago. It was incorporated by an act of Congress in May 1908 and signed by President Theodore Roosevelt, a BSA member. That act states, “the sole object of said corporation shall be the spread of Christ’s kingdom among men.” The Most Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, is also a member.
The BSA’s mission focus includes Restorative Justice, Scouting, Veterans, Discipleship/Mentoring, Racial Reconciliation and Recovery. The Diocese of Central Florida has 12 chapters. In addition to the ministries of the BSA, chapters support various outreaches.
“The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is many things to many men,” said Dugger. “Every chapter has its program guided by the Brotherhood’s tenets of prayer, study and service.”
Dugger hopes to have 50 men attend the upcoming retreat. “It is being promoted over all of Province IV,” he explained. “I am primarily the emcee and will lead a session on what our ministry needs to look like in the near future and how we will get there.”
The cost is $85 for a double room and $125 for a single and includes all meals and materials. “The arrival and check-in will be on Friday afternoon, with a meet and greet, then dinner,” Dugger said. “The evening will be for opening sessions and social time.”
The following day will include breakfast, discipleship sessions and stories of success and opportunities for ministry. Then lunch, free time and more sessions on Brotherhood chapter leadership. The retreat will close with the celebration of the Eucharist.
The Rev. Adam Young, vicar, Chapel of the Incarnation, Gainesville, on the campus of the University of Florida, will describe how his parish has expanded in the last four years from three college students each week to 60. “I’m excited to share how we’ve grown,” he said.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, a lifetime BSA member, with BSA Executive Director Tom Welch | Photo Credit: Brotherhood of St. Andrew
BSA Executive Director Tom Welch is also a presenter. “My focus with the retreat is to share the good news of a 100% increase in new chapters forming this year vs. 2021,” he said. “We have 250 new brothers, which is twice the number of new brothers at the same time in 2021.”
And Welch has an additional topic to discuss. “We are rolling out our new website in the weeks ahead,” he said. “We are emphasizing efforts that seem to work and are reaching a wider and younger audience.”
Province IV includes the Dioceses of Alabama, Atlanta, Central Florida, Central Gulf Coast, East Carolina, East Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Lexington, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Southeast Florida, Southwest Florida, Tennessee, Upper South Carolina, West Tennessee and Western North Carolina.
“We like these retreats to provide an opportunity for men to work on their individual spiritual development and focus on their faith,” said BSA Field Operations Vice President Tim Martin. “There are opportunities at the retreat to deepen that faith so that Jesus can become internalized deeper into their lives. Following Mark 6:31, Jesus said, ‘Come away to a desolate place and rest awhile.’ Retreat helps you cultivate self-awareness and inner peace, form lifelong connections and rejuvenate your being and the lives of those around you for the better.”
For more information about the retreat as well as registration, visit this link.
For more about the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, go to