Episcopal Relief & Development’s U.S. Disaster Program will hold a special disaster preparedness and response training for Florida disaster coordinators, team members, and diocesan staff March 29-31 at Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center.
The training will address asset-based community development, risk assessment, and The Episcopal Church’s role in disaster response. Particular attention will be paid both to the ways participants can boost inter-diocesan resilience and the specific concerns of Florida-based dioceses.
Episcopal Relief & Development can cover the cost for up to two people per diocese to participate in this training. Our only request is that whoever attends agrees to help promote disaster preparedness at the diocesan level. We would love to work with you to identify participants for this training.
To register for this event, please visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqIsZJmckJChlk8M3uJAnqVcbhPEZApYOoIMcG9OZPo06ApQ/viewform.
Please direct questions to Lura Steele, lsteele@episcopalrelief.org.