Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Eleven bishops scattered across the U.S. and Province IX (Colombia, Dominican Republic, Central Ecuador, Litoral Ecuador, Honduras, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela) came together for an Austin Statement of the Communion Partners of the Episcopal Church following the 79th General Convention held July 2-13 in Austin, Texas. The Austin Statement was available in paper form for…

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Episcopalians can learn how to grow in their faith on Saturday, Aug. 11, when the Rev. Phyllis Bartle keynotes a stewardship workshop at Church of the Messiah in Winter Garden. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bartle, who serves as rector at St. Jude’s Episcopal Church in Orange City, is one…

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Lectionary Reflection: Proper 11, Year B 2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 89:20-37; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34; 53-56     King David desired, and rightly so, to build for the Lord a permanent and suitable house – a temple. Now, a temple is a dwelling place for deity. A temple is a place where heaven and earth interlock,…

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The Episcopal Church is different now than it was a mere two weeks ago, but for more than just the headline-grabbing issues of same-sex marriage and Prayer Book revision. A number of other issues also got people’s attention during the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church held in Austin, Texas, and the Diocese of…

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Time got away from the House of Bishops on Thursday, but the legislative body still teamed with the House of Deputies to get things done at the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas. Addressing long-raging controversy around amending supplemental text to be used in liturgy, the House of Bishops was forced…

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A gay marriage resolution in the Episcopal Church has been passed by the House of Bishops, but B012 received yet another amendment in the process for approval and must be revisited again. Bishop Greg Brewer, one of 11 people from the Diocese of Central Florida who are on hand for the 79th General Convention of…

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In an event that’s been fraught with debate and controversy over Prayer Book revisions and same-sex marriage, the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church turned joyous on Tuesday with a historical moment. The Episcopal Diocese of Cuba, which has long been exiled and treated as a separate Anglican province since 1957, was officially received…

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The issue of gay marriage in the Episcopal Church is closer to being resolved, but some conservative dissent remains as the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church continues in Austin, Texas. The House of Deputies on Monday, July 9, by a wide margin passed Resolution B012 – an amended resolution that states that all…

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It has been nearly five months since the Parkland Douglas shooting that killed 17 students and educators at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, but few have forgotten the tragedy – most notably, the Episcopal Church. On the first Sunday of the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas, hundreds…

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On a day when Presiding Bishop Michael Curry led an emotionally charged revival, a controversial resolution concerning the Book of Common Prayer passed the House of Deputies. Resolution A068, which calls for the process of Prayer Book revision, was passed by orders on Saturday, July 7, at the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church…

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