Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Gateway to Hope Ministries in Ocala is partnering with St. George, The Villages, and other area organizations to offer a Christmas party for 160 children, representing 70 families, on Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. at Gateway to Hope. The children invited to the party have a prior relationship with the food ministry, led by the…

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St. Mary’s, Belleview, celebrated the first anniversary of its Spanish-language worship service on Sunday, Oct. 15. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida, presided over the Eucharistic celebration, with assistance from the Very Rev. Lisa Wimmer, rector, and the Rev. Canon Luis De la Cruz, the diocese’s canon…

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La iglesia St. Mary’s, Belleview, celebró el primer aniversario de su servicio de adoración en español el domingo, 15 de octubre. El Rvmo. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, obispo de la Diócesis de la Florida Central, presidió la celebración eucarística, con la asistencia de la reverendísimo Lisa Wimmer, rectora, y el Rvdo. Canónigo Luis De la…

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Few church events begin with a rumble, especially not one that becomes a roar. But the Rev. Kay Mueller, rector of Church of Our Saviour, Okeechobee, was delighted to hear such a rumble on the morning of Saturday, Sept. 16, because it signaled the arrival of some special guests. About 50 bikers in all, including…

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St. Thomas, Eustis, will host its second Blue Mass to support local first responders on Sunday, Oct. 1, at 10:00 a.m., followed by a luncheon in the parish hall, free to first responders and their families. The church encourages its sister congregations to consider holding similar services.   In Romans 13, Paul instructs us to…

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On Saturday, Sept. 9, nearly 140 Daughters of the King from all over the Diocese of Central Florida gathered for Fall Assembly — a meaningful day of worship, prayer and fellowship — at Canterbury Conference Center in Oviedo. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb celebrated the Eucharist and commended the Daughters for their love…

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On Saturday, Aug. 19, several hundred people from within and outside of the Diocese of Central Florida gathered at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, for “The Great Dechurching Event.” Per the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, diocesan bishop and the evening’s host, the diocese designed this event to allow attendees to “listen…

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Sacred space – a place in our lives that we set apart as holy – is essential to spiritual growth. This may be particularly so when it comes to children and youth. For many of them in the Diocese of Central Florida, Camp Wingmann is one of those places. A sacred space for many years,…

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“The physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer Almost 90 years ago during the struggles that led to World War II, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was actively sharing his thoughts on living as a Christian. He wrote the book Gemeinsames Leben (“Life Together”) during that…

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A quick (as in 0.54 seconds) Google search for “home cooked meal in college” returns 97 million results. Ranging from quick dorm-friendly microwave recipes to forums where college moms seek tips on shipping home-cooked meals across the states, the results make clear that college students are thinking a lot about food. In a 2021 survey…

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