When the Renacer Foundation, outreach partner of Christ the King, Orlando, and Jesús de Nazaret, Orlando (two distinct congregations that share staff, buildings and ministry), invited the Rev. Dr. José Rodríguez, rector, Christ the King, and vicar, Jesús de Nazaret, to a December 2023 family workshop event at the Dr. Phillips YMCA, he said yes….
[ Read More]Cuando la Fundación Renacer, socio de alcance comunitario de la Christ the King (Cristo Rey), Orlando, y la Jesús de Nazaret, Orlando (dos congregaciones distintas que comparten personal, edificios y ministerio), invitó al Rev. Dr. José Rodríguez, rector de Cristo Rey y vicario de Jesús de Nazaret, a un taller familiar en diciembre del 2023…
[ Read More]When it comes to the spiritual formation of youth, offering opportunities for them to connect and learn in a safe place is critical. That’s what the 2024 “Grounded” youth event, held at All Saints, Winter Park, on March 1-2, provided for many from across the Diocese of Central Florida. The two-day conference-style retreat created a…
[ Read More]Imagine a formational curriculum for children and teens that allows them to engage with the Bible in creative, interactive ways. Imagine it follows the liturgical calendar, engaging them with the enduring traditions of The Episcopal Church. Imagine it offers multiple entry points, allowing students and teachers to build deep connections with scripture and with one…
[ Read More]The Diocese of Central Florida‘s renewed emphasis on youth ministry comes to life with “Grounded,” the first of three 2024 gospel-focused youth events funded in its operating budget, set to take place Friday and Saturday, March 1-2, at All Saints, Winter Park. Registration begins at 7 p.m. Friday, with worship and teaching sessions slated for…
[ Read More]For many of us, the daily commute is a time to catch up on our favorite podcasts, make a few calls or listen to oldies while drinking a latte. Commutes are leisurely “alone time” as we drive through suburbia, stopping as school crossing guards let young children cross an intersection. But this is not “normal”…
[ Read More]God has opened up an exciting new avenue for St. Michael’s, Orlando, to serve its community. The church, located in College Park, held the first meeting of its mental-health support group, Holding Hope, on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m. This special group is being established for those 18 years and older to provide a…
[ Read More]Gateway to Hope Ministries in Ocala is partnering with St. George, The Villages, and other area organizations to offer a Christmas party for 160 children, representing 70 families, on Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. at Gateway to Hope. The children invited to the party have a prior relationship with the food ministry, led by the…
[ Read More]St. Mary’s, Belleview, celebrated the first anniversary of its Spanish-language worship service on Sunday, Oct. 15. The Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida, presided over the Eucharistic celebration, with assistance from the Very Rev. Lisa Wimmer, rector, and the Rev. Canon Luis De la Cruz, the diocese’s canon…
[ Read More]La iglesia St. Mary’s, Belleview, celebró el primer aniversario de su servicio de adoración en español el domingo, 15 de octubre. El Rvmo. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, obispo de la Diócesis de la Florida Central, presidió la celebración eucarística, con la asistencia de la reverendísimo Lisa Wimmer, rectora, y el Rvdo. Canónigo Luis De la…
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