Growth gains ground at Holy Trinity, Melbourne

IMG_20150517_154943-2The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer confirmed and received new members May 17 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Melbourne.

IMG_20150517_154920Co-Rectors the Rev. Stephen Easterdayand the Rev. Pamela Easterday, their colleagues, church members and guests celebrated the event with a reception afterward.

Congratulation and welcome to the family to the 29 people who were Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed at the May 17 service.

Confirmed: Kevin Arter, Madelyn Belt, Matthew Cahill, Aaron Cain, Amy Cain, IMG_20150517_160056Keith Cain, Evelyn Cruz, Wally Gaffney, Susan Jennings, Sasha Karlsson, Matthew Love, Eric Lowe, Robbie Robbins, Danny Stone, Sandra Stone, Richard Warren

Received: Alice Gaffney, Chris Arter, Marc Cameruci, Jackie Menzel, Bridget Morton, Jack Morton, Peggy Snead

Reaffirmed: Frank Christopian, Linda Edwards, Sarah Edwards, Judy
Miller, Jane Patrick, Alison Pope

Church offers rich community outreach

IMG_20150517_163044Prayer Shawls available in the Church Office: The prayer shawls that are knitted with love by those in our Prayer Shawl Ministry are intended to be given to members of the parish, family members, or friends, either in the hospital, in nursing homes, or at home. If you know someone who needs to be wrapped in prayer, stop by the Church Office during office hours and pick up a shawl, along with a prayer card and a gift bag.

IMG_20150517_172518Red Wagon: Holy Trinity provides food to the Distribution Center that serves as a “food pantry” for 26 agencies in Brevard County. What items would you or your family want to donate for others? Please place your non-perishable food items in the Red Wagon in the Narthex and pray for those who will be enjoying the food you gave.

IMG_20150517_163455Julie Brown’s Mission Trip to Uganda: This summer, I have been called to travel to Uganda, Africa on a mission to install solar panels for electricity in orphan homes! I humbly ask that you keep me, the team, and the fundraising process in your prayers. I need to raise $3,800, which includes my airfare and a portion of the solar panel installation costs. For more information, please see Anne Brown, or visit my fundraising page to read more about my journey! www. (search: “Julie Brown Uganda”) Thank you!

IMG_20150517_172941IMG_20150517_172743Chuck & Sarah Pierce are well into the process of adopting two children with special needs from Ukraine. So far, they’ve spent over $35,000 to do this, and more will be needed over the next month to complete the adoptions. They
IMG_20150517_154957 (1)would be extremely grateful if the Holy Trinity Parish could help to defray some of the upcoming costs. If you have the means and you have it in your heart to help, please go to to donate. We are also asking for prayers for Sarah, Chuck and Charlie as they are now back in Kyiv for another few weeks.

South Brevard Sharing Center BIN (Bring In Necessities) program: please keep the IMG_20150517_163335BIN Lighthouse in mind where you can deposit all of those health and hygiene items that clutter your bathroom drawers and linen closets such as shampoo, soap, razors and shave cream, diapers and wipes, toilet paper, and feminine products which cannot be purchased with food stamps. The BIN Lighthouse is located in the Narthex.

IMG_20150517_163409The Thrift Shop thinks it’s time to clean out your closets again. We will pick up your large items for FREE! Call 727-2797. The shop is located in historic downtown Melbourne at 726 E. New Haven Avenue and is open Monday – Saturday, 10:00am – 4:00pm.


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