St. Paul’s, New Smyrna Beach, welcomes the Rev. Rodney Roehner


Fr. Rodney, Carolina, Sophia and Alexa.

Fr. Rodney Roehner, the new rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, New Smyrna Beach, has a church full of active members who are eager to implement the next chapters in the church’s future, including a focus on the parish day school, parish hall and Resurrection Garden.


“As you are aware, there are many possibilities at St. Paul’s to reach to others in our parish and community,” Fr. Roehner said in one of his first church-newsletter messages.

“Fr. Rodney has some great ideas and a great enthusiasm for seeing them come to IMG_8159fruition,” said John Palmer, Senior Warden. “It is wonderful to see so many people excited about life here at St. Paul’s, and we have much to give thanks for, including our new Rector and his family.”

IMG_8130Vestry President Helen Mueller also sees a bright future in the mutual ministry.

“Our ‘Meet and Greet’ nights with Fr. Rodney, Carolina, Sophia and Alexa have been wonderful, pleasant, comfortable and just fun getting to know them all,” Mrs. Mueller said. IMG_8155“We hope everyone gets a chance to take part in this more personal get together and visit with them all. We are so happy to have them all with us.”

IMG_8134Also in community outreach, the St. Paul’s chapter of The Order of Daughters of the King is asking members of the congregation to help collect items for the Jamaica Medical Mission. The mission is a humanitarian effort that has completed its 25th year, under the direction of St. James Episcopal Church in Leesburg and St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Port Maria, Jamaica .IMG_8180

Every January, volunteers (doctors, dentists, nurses, therapists, technicians and lay people) go to Jamaica to donate their badly needed medical help to the people in the impoverished area of Port Maria and surrounding communities . The volunteers pay their own way and there are no administrative costs taken IMG_8163out of donations received.


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