“No estábamos organizando un espectáculo para que todos se sintieran bien consigo mismos. La diversidad es real; no una representación”. Estas palabras del Rvdo. Dr. José Rodríguez, presidente de la Comisión Hispana diocesana, rector de la Iglesia Episcopal Cristo Rey, y vicario de la Iglesia Episcopal Jesús de Nazaret en Orlando, describen la genuina visión…
[ Read More]“We weren’t putting on a show to make everyone feel good about themselves. The diversity is real; not performative.” These words from the Rev. Dr. José Rodríguez, president of the diocesan Hispanic Commission, rector of Christ the King Episcopal Church and vicar of Iglesia Episcopal Jesús de Nazaret, Orlando, described the genuine glimpse of heaven offered by…
[ Read More]To say that The Episcopal Church and the broader Anglican Communion have faced challenges in recent years regarding their official positions on same-sex marriage would be a broad understatement. But the Diocese of Central Florida has a continuing voice in the conversation around this topic, and the Rev. Phyllis Bartle, rector of St. Jude’s, Orange…
[ Read More]Bishop-elect Dr. Justin S. Holcomb was asked to serve as a resource consultant for a Lambeth Phase 3 meeting held Feb. 28-March 3, 2023, in London. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby designed the 15th Lambeth Conference to consist of three parts. Phase 1 was a listening phase held in a series of online meetings for bishops…
[ Read More]En una elección marcada tanto por la unidad como por la diversidad, la Diócesis de la Florida Central eligió al Rvdo. Canónigo Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, de 49 años, como su quinto obispo. Holcomb, quien ha servido a la diócesis como canónigo de vocaciones desde 2013, fue elegido el 14 de enero en la primera…
[ Read More]In an election marked by both unity and diversity, the Diocese of Central Florida has elected the Rev. Canon Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, 49, as its fifth bishop. Holcomb, who has served the diocese as canon for vocations since 2013, was elected on Jan. 14 on the first ballot out of a slate of three…
[ Read More]Advent is a season of waiting, one in which Christians throughout the world anticipate the celebration of the birth of Christ. But in the case of the Diocese of Central Florida, Advent 2022 is also a season of waiting for the election of its fifth bishop. The Search Committee has selected the three candidates, and…
[ Read More]God continues to move through the Diocese of Central Florida’s bishop search process, now entering its final phase. Even before The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer’s official announcement at the 2022 Diocesan Convention of his July 2023 retirement at age 72, as mandated by the canons of The Episcopal Church, the Standing Committee had put…
[ Read More]The annual diocesan Clergy Conference followed the theme of this year’s guest speaker, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells, who urged participants toward the challenge of “going deeper” in faith and fellowship amid the peaceful setting of Canterbury Conference Center in Oviedo. Held Monday afternoon, Oct. 24, through Wednesday noon, Oct. 26, the conference…
[ Read More]In a neighborhood safely out of a flood zone, The Rev. Jason Murbarger, rector of St. Mary’s, Daytona Beach, looked out of his window mid-day on Thursday, Sept. 29, to check on his property in the onslaught of Hurricane Ian. Water extended halfway over the sidewalk in front of the house, and since it was…
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