Central Florida Episcopalian Online

The annual diocesan Clergy Conference followed the theme of this year’s guest speaker, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells, who urged participants toward the challenge of “going deeper” in faith and fellowship amid the peaceful setting of Canterbury Conference Center in Oviedo. Held Monday afternoon, Oct. 24, through Wednesday noon, Oct. 26, the conference…

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In a neighborhood safely out of a flood zone, The Rev. Jason Murbarger, rector of St. Mary’s, Daytona Beach, looked out of his window mid-day on Thursday, Sept. 29, to check on his property in the onslaught of Hurricane Ian. Water extended halfway over the sidewalk in front of the house, and since it was…

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    ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LA GIRA DIOCESANA: Después de consultar con el Comité Permanente, el Comité de Transición y el Comité de Búsqueda de Obispos, el horario de la Gira Diocesana ha sido cambiado debido a la tormenta tropical inminente/Cat. 1 Huracán Nicole. La noche original del miércoles 9 de noviembre, preguntas y respuestas en…

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DIOCESAN TOUR STORM UPDATE: After consultation with the Standing Committee, Transition Committee and Bishop Search Committee, the schedule for the Diocesan Tour was changed due to the impending Tropical Storm/Cat. 1 Hurricane Nicole. The original Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, in-person Q&A scheduled at Trinity, Vero Beach, from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. and the Thursday morning, Nov….

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The Province IV Brotherhood of St. Andrew will host a 24-hour “Men’s Retreat to Rewind, Recharge, Rejoice” on Nov. 4-5, aimed to help BSA chapters regroup and rebuild after COVID. It will take place at the Diocese of Florida’s Camp Weed and Cerveny Conference Center in Live Oak. Registration closes on Oct. 21. “The retreat will…

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A new grant program aims to increase the number of deacons serving in The Episcopal Church by providing up to $1,500 to persons seeking ordination to the diaconate. In a recent letter, The Rev. W. Keith McCoy, deacon and president of The Fund of the Diaconate, revealed that only 1 in 5 current deacons had…

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Family, friends, the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida and the Orlando community at large celebrated the life of nationally known civil rights leader, community activist, church and denominational leader The Rev. Canon Dr. Nelson Wardell Pinder this past weekend in services at the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist, Orlando, and the Cathedral Church…

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The 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church has ended, and all of Bishop Brewer’s daily video reports from Baltimore, Maryland, are now archived below. You can also scroll down for a video report from the Diocese of Central Florida’s deputation, a link to the GC80 Media Hub with recorded worship and legislative sessions, as…

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En la primavera de 2021, The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, Obispo de la Diócesis de Florida Central, alertó al Comité Permanente de sus planes de jubilarse en julio del 2023 al cumplir sus 72 años de edad, como exigen los cánones de la Iglesia Episcopal. Cuando Brewer anunció oficialmente su pendiente jubilación en la…

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In the spring of 2021, The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, bishop of the Diocese of Central Florida, alerted the Standing Committee of his plans to retire in July 2023 at age 72, as required by the canons of The Episcopal Church. By the time Brewer officially announced his pending retirement at the 2022 Diocesan…

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