The Diocesan Policy Handbook is always in the process of being updated and posted on the web site. Thus, you should have access to the most up-to-date version at any time.


Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

Articles of Incorporation
By Laws for a Parish
By Laws for an Incorporated Mission
By Laws for an Unincorporated Mission

Background Check Release Form

Compensation and Benefits

2014 Compensation Guideline
2014 Minimum Cost Analysis
2015 Compensation Guideline
2015 Minimum Cost Analysis
Compensation Guideline for Supply Clergy
Diocesan Policy regarding Lay and Clergy Benefits
Compensation and Benefits PowerPoint
General Convention Resolutions A138 and A177

Constitution and Canons

Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Central Florida
Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church

Disaster Plan for Congregations

Episcopal Christian Caring Fund Grant Application

Please include the following when requesting funds:

1) A completed application.
2) A letter from the grant recipient’s priest describing the need.
3) A one-page letter from the grant recipient describing the situation.
4) A list of monthly bills (not copies of bills).

Lay and Clergy Employee Benefits

Diocesan Policy regarding Lay and Clergy Benefits
Compensation and Benefits PowerPoint
General Convention Resolutions A138 and A177

Letters of Agreement

Assistant Rector
Interim Rector
Mobilization Agreement
Rector, housing allowance
Rector, housing provided
Separation Agreement
Vicar, housing allowance
Vicar, housing provided


Lay Ministries

Lay Eucharistic Minister Application
Lay Eucharistic Visitor Application
Worship Leader Application
Guidelines for Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors
Guidelines for Licensed Lay Ministries
Licensed Lay Ministry (brochure)
Nomination Form for Licensed Lay Catechist
Nomination Form for Licensed Lay Preacher
Nomination Form for Licensed Lay Pastoral Leader

Ordained Ministries

Annual Report Form for Non-Parochial Priests
Application for Licensure (DOC)
Application for Licensure (PDF)
Clergy Personal Information Form
Code of Ethics for Clergy
Compensation Guidelines
Continuing Education Fund for Full Time Clergy
Continuing Education Policy for Deacons and Priests
Guidelines Concerning the Ministry of the Vocational Deacon
Sabbatical Leave Guidelines
Visitation Guidelines

Ordination Process


Discernment Process
Have You Ever Thought About Being a Priest or Deacon?
Flyer on Conference on Ministry
Procedure for Parish Discernment Committee
Procedure for Parish Discernment Committee (booklet format)

Background Checks and Testing

Authorization And Release Form
Medical and Psychological Testing Information
Behavior Screening Questionnaire – BSQ
Life History Questionnaire


What Are the Steps to Becoming a Deacon (brochure)
Nomination Form-Application for the Diaconate (PDF)
Nomination Form-Application for the Diaconate (DOC)
Vestry Nomination Form for Discernment Process for Deacon
Vestry Endorsement for Candidacy (PDF)
Vestry Endorsement for Candidacy (DOC)
Vestry Endorsement for Ordination (PDF)
Vestry Endorsement for Ordination (DOC)


What Are the Steps to Becoming a Priest (brochure)
Nomination and Application Form for the Priesthood (PDF)
Nomination and Application Form for the Priesthood (DOC)
Application for Reception of clergy ordained by Bishops of Churches in Communion with this Church
Nom. and App. for Reception of clergy ordained by Bishops in Historic Succession (PDF)
Nom. and App. for Reception of clergy ordained by Bishops in Historic Succession (DOC)
Nom. and App. for Recep. of clergy ordained by Bishops not in Historic Succession (PDF)
Nom. and App. for Recep. of clergy ordained by Bishops not in Historic Succession (DOC)
Vestry Nomination Form for Discernment Process – priest (PDF)
Vestry Nomination Form for Discernment Process – priest (DOC)
Vestry Endorsement for Candidacy – priest (PDF)
Vestry Endorsement for Candidacy – priest (DOC)
Vestry Endorsement for Ordination as a Transitional Deacon (PDF)
Vestry Endorsement for Ordination as a Transitional Deacon (DOC)
Vestry Endorsement for Ordination as a Priest (PDF)
Vestry Endorsement for Ordination as a Priest (DOC)


Diocesan Financial Support Policy
Remediation Policy for GOEs

Search Committee Resources

Vacancy and Search Procedures
Formation of a Search Committee
Elements of a Parish Profile
OTM Community Portfolio data form
Minimum cost for full time clergy – compensation and benefits package
Background Inquiry Release Form
Clergy Assignment to Vacant Cures

Policies for Clergy and Congregations

Alcohol Policy
Church Expansion Policies
Counseling Assistance to Clergy and Families
Deanery Accounting Standards and Guidelines
Guidelines for Clergy Discretionary Funds
Sabbitical Leave Guidelines
Vestry Certification for Risk Management and Anti-Racism

Sacramental Guidelines

Baptism, Conf., Reception, and Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows
Background Statement Regarding Christian Marriage
Declaration of Intention
Petition to the Bishop Regarding Judgment of Termination of a Marriage, Annulment, and-or Consent to Solemnize a Marriage after Divorce or Annulment
Customary for Episcopal Visit by the Bishop
Confirmation and Reception List