Central Florida Episcopalian Online

Proper 24 year B Mark 10:35-45 ‘When Christ calls a man, he bids him to come and die.’ When Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote these words in his book The Cost of Discipleship, he had come to understand that which James and John would only come to understand after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus – that…

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The St. Mark’s Episcopal Community this weekend will be recognizing some special folks around the world. Father Gary Jackson, rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Cocoa, announced that St. Mark’s Episcopal Community is presenting its inaugural Space Coast Inspiration Awards on Saturday, Oct. 13, at the Cocoa Civic Center, 430 Delannoy Ave., Cocoa. A…

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One of the most talented up-and-coming musicians in the Diocese of Central Florida will put on a special performance at 3 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 14, at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke in downtown Orlando. Michael LeGrand, who is guest organist on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for St. Richard’s Episcopal Church in Winter Park,…

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In the wake of the devastation in the Florida Panhandle and beyond from Hurricane Michael, Episcopalians across Central Florida are encouraged to assist Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) in the recovery effort. Hurricane Michael made landfall Wednesday afternoon near Panama City Beach as a Category 4 storm, causing widespread wind and storm surge damage. Most…

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Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Proper 23: Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018 Year B   The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden,…

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For years, the annual Holiday Bazaar Cafe and Gift Boutique at Church of the Holy Spirit has been one of the most popular fall bazaars in the Apopka area.  And this year should be no different based on what organizers have planned. This year’s bazaar will be held Saturday, Nov. 10, and will feature a…

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Proper 22 Year B – Reflection for Oct. 7, 2018: Mark 10:2-16 A number of years back after I had spent a couple of years in ordained ministry and knew my congregation well, I thought it was the appropriate time to preach on one of the hard (hardest?)  sayings of Jesus we find in the…

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REGISTER or VOLUNTEER for free revival service, Feb. 1, 2019. As a bishop, I often get called on to give words of wisdom or counsel. The closest to one-size-fits-all advice I have is the following: “Keep saying yes to Jesus.” But this phrase is more than a good idea. It’s also the theme of our 2019 annual Diocesan…

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The Diocese of Central Florida announced Wednesday, Sept. 26, that a Requiem Eucharist for The Right Rev. Hugo Luis Pina-Lopez will be celebrated at 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, 130 N. Magnolia Ave., in downtown Orlando. Pina-Lopez died on Thursday, Sept. 20, surrounded by family. He was 79….

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Reflection for September 30, 2018: James 3:5-10 and 5:13-20, Mark 9:38-50, “Start by Giving Water” Our Gospel for September 30, 2018 is very strange unless you understand what Jesus is quoting. The critical words come towards the end of the passage when Jesus says, “Their worm never dies and the fire is never quenched.” Now…

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